Preserving The Family Heritage

A great compassion to restructure the society through preserving the family heritage by strengthening the marital union to foster proper parenting geared towards nation-building. We welcome you to partake and share your ideas on how we can rebuild our Nation by rebuilding family life the way it should be.

About PFI

Commitment to Family

Parenthood Foundation International Inc. (PFI) is a non-profit organization established with a great compassion to restructure the society through preserving the family heritage by strengthening the marital union to foster proper parenting geared towards nation-building.

In every culture and time period, the family has stood as the most fundamental human institution. Family is the starting point of life, the sustainer of well-being, and the school of love. A family begins with the joining together of man and woman, husband and wife, becoming father and mother and parents. The most powerful of human bonds is the parent-child relationship.

Our Programs

Man of Honor Alliance (MOHA)

Forum to redefine the real man as Husband and Father

Wise Woman Academy (WWA)

Institute of Wives and Mothers

Purity Club

Life of Purity for the Nigerian Child

Couple's Life Connect (CLC)

A programme where couples come together to share their views about marriage issues.

Family Forum

A family discussion group to dissect family issues

Parents' Day Advocacy

Celebrated every July 20th to honour parents together, not as fathers or mothers but as parents.